
A E Yates Civil Engineering water projects:

Leigh & Glazebury WWTW Storm Tanks

  • Client: United Utilities
  • Value: £3.65M

Construction of two in-situ RC above ground detention tanks 42m diameter 8m deep on major piled foundations: New in-situ RC CSO chamber with longwood screen, new in-situ RC inlet pipework & valve chamber, new control building, MEICA, new outfall structure to the river, open-cut sewers at 300 to 1200mm ID, new access road and site landscaping.

UU Sankey Brook UID’s, Warrington:

  • Client: United Utilities
  • Value: £1.32M

Project to improve unsatisfactory intermittent discharges to local watercourses at two locations in Warrington: Transfer pipework from the existing modified CSO chamber, feeding a 1980m3 detention tank as 15m ID 20m deep segmental shaft in varied and poor ground conditions, with pumped return of flows back to the sewer network in Orford Park.

Blackburn Town Centre UID’s

  • Client: United Utilities
  • Value: £5.46M

The project objective was to resolve five unsatisfactory intermittent discharges (UID’s) into the River Blakewater: Works included the construction of a 20m ID 22m deep detention tank as a segmental shaft, 2 No. new large RC CSO structures up to 11m deep in temporary sheet piled cofferdams, tunnelled transfer sewers to 1500mm ID and associated shafts.

Hoylake UID’s

  • Client: United Utilities
  • Value: £3.24

Clustered sewerage works order under partnering arrangement with UU Southern Framework Galliford-Costain JV: UID, CSO and Storm Detention Tanks at 5 separate sites on the Wirral. Works included Construction of new RC CSO chambers on existing sewer networks, associated new sewers and MH’s in open-cut in urban locations.

Accrington Tank UID’s

  • Client: United Utilities
  • Value: £1.27M

Construction of a new Access Shaft in rock to connect into the existing CSO Structure, associated earthworks, access roads, new access to existing access shaft MH3, ancillary equipment, control building, Installation of access platforms on the weir wall and installation/construction of temporary works inc temporary preparatory access bridge spanning over the existing weak canal swing bridge to facilitate heavy plant crossing over the Leeds Liverpool canal.

Croal UID’s – Thompson Road Pumped Storage Tank

  • Client: United Utilities
  • Value: £1.07M

Major Storage Tank in Bolton as part of the River Croal UID’s Cluster under United Utilities AMP3 UID Programme: Negotiated Contract under Tier 1 Partnering Arrangement with KMI Water for delivery of UU’s UID Programme. Site clearance, excavation and removal of Japanese Knot Weed. Construction of 15m ID 15m deep Segmental Shaft by Jacked Caisson Sinking methods through mixed ground, in an urban location with limited working area.

‘Afon Bach Flood Alleviation Works, Llanwrst (North Wales)

  • Client: Conwy County Borough Council
  • Value: £2.77M

Major Flood Relief Scheme for the town of Llanrwst, on the banks of the Afon Conwy (River Conway: Flow control, storage and diversion from the Afon Bach to the improvements to ex channels, new throttle &
diversion structure with trash screen. Construction of flood retaining walls & bund to retain ponded flood water to 16m AOD. Construction of 1800mm ID flow diversion & storage pipework & outfall structure to the Afon Conwy.

M60 Interceptor Works

  • Client: National Highways
  • Value £2.85M

Installation of a new petrol interceptor, diversion of land drainage from Ashton Moss and associated SW sewers: The works involve the installation of a new petrol interceptor within a sheet piled cofferdam, associated drainage and landscaping works on the clockwise side of the M60 between junction 22 and 23 at the base of the existing embankment.