Case Study

Mottram Road Retaining Wall Hyde

Masonry Retaining Wall Refurbishment Scheme

Tamesdie MBC
Contract No.


Mottram Road Retaining Wall, Hyde

Works included; removal of trees/saplings on or adjacent to the wall, removal of vegetation from bank/rock outcrop midway up the wall (inc Himalayan Balsam), jet washing to remove vegetation and detritus from wall and parapet face, cleaning out of gullies adjacent the wall, large areas of rake out and repoint of wall face, replacement of localised areas of missing masonry to the wall face, take up and dispose off-site for recycling existing copings, imported copings laid on mortar, increase parapet height to a minimum of 1.15m, localised lengths of parapet taken down to footway level and rebuilt, contractor design and installation of substantial soil nails. All associated traffic management and local PR activities. (NEC/ECC Option B)