Combined Soil Stabilisation Ltd have completed the first visit of two on a new facility…
Read MoreA cluster of four logistics units completed in two visits with a tight programme on the first visit.
We recently returned to the Kingsway Business Park in Rochdale. We worked with Barnfield Construction, who we previously worked with at Kingsway, on the project. We have now completed another project with them in Irlam in Manchester and we are building an ever-strengthening relationship. On this project we have treated the area for three of the four warehouse units on the project and will return shortly to complete the fourth.
The units will total 110,000sq.ft. in total and include offices and ancillary areas, goods vehicle yards and car parking. Our works included treatment to the yard area and car parking areas in addition to the building footprints. The first visit required the treatment of 190,000sq.ft. of the site and the second visit will complete the remaining 7000sq.ft.. A site wide specification of the achievement of 30% CBR was stipulated which ensured that the material was non frost susceptible. The soils treated were a mix of clays with seams of sand, requiring 95% compaction, which were then topped with 100mm of stone to help protect our finished surface. The building footprint areas also incorporated piling platform requirements.
Speaking of piling the programme was extremely challenging as the piling contractor's rig availability dictated the start date. To assist Barnfield in achieving the tight timescales we mobilised additional plant that included a new Bell Streumaster spreader to support our site team. We now own four 19m3 capacity self-propelled spreaders as part of our extensive fleet of plant and equipment. The team were assisted by some late summer good weather and completed our works in five days, cutting the original programme in half. The results of our testing regime confirmed that the required strength was achieved to all areas after three days curing allowing access to the treated areas.
Some areas however required trafficking to allow placement of the stone before full curing was designed to be complete. We worked with Barnfield to overcome this obstacle and achieve their needs. We advised a greater depth of stone to the main haul route to ensure that the first unit's piling platform was covered in time for the piling contractor. This additional depth helped protect the stabilised layer and the additional depth of stone was retrieved and spread on other, non-trafficked, areas later. This reuse ensured that no additional costs were incurred by the contractor.
Combined Soil Stabilisation Ltd have completed the first visit of two on a new facility…
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