Case Study

RHS Bridgewater – Package 1 – Infrastructure, Car Park & Ground Stabilisation Worsley, Salford

Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) Bridgewater project, Worsley, Salford

Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) / Arcadis
Contract No.


RHS Bridgewater - Package 1 - Infrastructure, Car Park & Ground Stabilisation, Worsley, Salford

First phase infrastructure for the development of a RHS Garden and visitor attraction at the former Worsley New Hall, Salford, between the A572 Leigh Road and the Bridgewater Canal. Works included; topsoil strip; earthworks; site levelling and formation of bunds; extensive ground improvement / stabilisation by Dynamic Replacement & Lime Stabilisation at the proposed road and parking areas; construction of new access roads and car parks; surface water attenuation lake & swales; installation of utilities; construct service yard and buildings, footways; drainage; lighting; hard & soft landscaping. (JCTD&B 2016)