Case Study

Tormywheel Windfarm Levenseat by Forth, Lanark

Construction of 15 Turbine Windfarm at Levenseat by Forth, Lanark.

Muirhall Energy Ltd. / Green Cat Renewables Ltd.
Contract No.


Tormywheel Windfarm, Levenseat by Forth, Lanark

Works included; the construction of over 5km of new access roads, turning areas, laydowns and crane base's. Excavation and construction of 15 new RC turbine base's, including the removal and relocation of deep peat deposits, with soil replacement techniques employed to provide the foundation bearing pressures. Three different base designs were used on the project due to varying ground conditions with the average base construction comprising 40T of re-bar & 400m3 of concrete. Bases were of a two pour construction with the plinth, incorporating the turbine ‘can’, cast as a secondary pour. Works also included over 15km of ducting for 33kv cables, and a new brick built sub-station/control room constructed to meet the SPEN connection requirements. (FIDIC)