M56 Expressway Bridge – Highways England (Area 10)
Expressway Bridge carries the A533 dual carriageway over the M56 at marker post 40.7, between junction 10 and 12. The structure was constructed in 1974 and has a single skew span of 38.70m. The deck under each carriageway consists of seven precast reinforced concrete box units joined by cast insitu reinforced concrete diaphragms. Continuity is achieved by longitudinal and transverse post tensioning.
Over the past couple of years Highways England have been monitoring the structure. The surveys consist of movement monitoring using the latest robotic total stations, vibration monitoring and acoustic monitoring. The equipment mounted within the bridge and on adjacent structures gather information on the behaviour of the structure 24/7. Accessed remotely the equipment can accurately measure movement on all axis, measure vibration caused by traffic and stress and it can also measure sounds recorded within the structure.
Over four night shifts within January and February various independent contractors will join to perform routine maintenance on the monitoring equipment within the structure. Using mechanical access equipment from the M56 below and also accessing the confined spaces of the structure.
The teams, brought together by Highways England and A E Yates Ltd. (Principal Contractor) consist of James Fisher Testing Services, Mistras, Mabey Hire and Redline Safety. Together, performing crucial work maintaining the monitoring equipment to the highest standard.