Electrical Cars & Vans
83% of our company car fleet is fully electric.
- They reduce carbon footprint and greenhouse gas emissions by emitting zero exhaust gases.
- They improve air quality and reduce air pollution by producing zero CO2. Therefore, they also reduce health risks like asthma.
- They reduce noise pollution.
- They lower fuel costs by using electricity instead of petrol or diesel.
- They create a new economy and promote the use of renewable energy sources.

Fast EV chargers installed on site where practical.
This is necessary to continue the growth of our electric company car fleet but also to encourage our employees to use electrical vehicles.
- We have installed 10nr fast EV chargers at our Head Office complex.
- The power supplied to the Fast EV chargers is 100% renewable.

Solar panelled CCTV and solar panelled night lights on sites.
Solar energy creates clean, renewable power from the sun and benefits the environment. Alternatives to fossil fuels reduce carbon footprint and reduces greenhouse gases around the globe.
The use of solar panels commercially cuts down the energy we use from the grid meaning that we have a long-term positive impact on the local community.

Plans to put solar panels onto our office roofs
The lifecycle emissions per kWh of electricity produced by rooftop solar are:
- Around 12 times less than electricity generated by natural gas (perhaps closer to 20 times less after factoring in methane leaks from natural gas)
- Around 20 times less than electricity generated by coal.

Offsite construction
Offsite construction is a construction method that involves the manufacturing, planning, design, fabrication, and assembly of building elements at a location other than their final installed location.
Why is this environmentally friendly?
- Can cut greenhouse gas emissions by 17-30% because offsite construction requires fewer deliveries to site and uses less heavy machinery.
- On-site construction generates a significant amount of waste.

Paperless Audits
Deforestation is contributing to rising temperatures, changes in patterns of weather and water, and an increased frequency of extreme weather events.
Instead of printing multiple documents or throwing documents away due to mistakes, we now use an app where we can audit on our sites which as a Civil Engineering company saves us time and it improves productivity.

Our head office’s power supply is from a 100% renewable energy source!
Commercial companies have a large responsibility in making sure their power supply comes from renewable energy as our buildings are larger than a standard home, which means we play a big part in helping our community work towards Net Zero. At A E Yates Ltd one of our main values is accountability.