The Same but Different

Bizarre title? Possibly – but we will explain

We have been fortunate to have been able to continue working, at an increased pace, on numerous key infrastructure projects whilst the industry has generally been disrupted and delayed due to the Coronavirus Pandemic. We have also made a big change in launching a new website on 5th August and would invite you to visit it (the button below can be used for convenience). Our old website had served well but was a little past its sell by date and so it has been revamped to look better and be more intuitive to use. Have a look around, see what we offer and how much easier it is to navigate. We can now better showcase the sectors we cover, what we’ve done in the Case Studies, how to contact us easily, download documents and more. There is also more alignment and consistency in branding with our sister companies in the A E Yates Group.
As a business we have however not changed. We believe we are still the ‘Steel Piling Contractor of Choice’ led by an experienced and knowledgeable team of engineers managing a trained and competent workforce operating a modern fleet of plant and equipment.


We are the same in as much as we offer the same high standard of service and confidence that works are carried out with meticulous attention to Health and Safety performance encompassing our clients, workforce and the working environment. Our extensive knowledge, years of experience and reliable team of employees, instills confidence in the knowledge that we are, and always will be.



Different website and branding showcasing that we are part of A E Yates Group. That’s all that is different everything else has stayed the same. So rest assured that the team here are always looking to improve for the benefit of our customers.

Current Projects – from one end of the UK to the other.

Scrabster, North of Scotland
Works have commenced on this £6.5m project where works involve the installation of a sheet and tubular piled combi wall as part of the redevelopment of the pier at Scrabster Harbour.

Wood Wharf, London
This project has just completed having involved the installation of significant temporary works enabling the main redevelopment works on the Isle of Dogs. Works comprised a cellular steel piled cofferdam with tie rods spanning between the new sheet piles and existing steel dock wall.

Achilles accreditation
As part of our ongoing commitment to safe planning and management of our projects, we achieved recent success in attaining Achilles Building Confidence Advanced accreditation. This further strengthens our position in the market place and, of course, being Piling Contractor of Choice!