We won the tender for Cumberhead West Wind farm!

Well done to the Power & Waste team for securing our largest Wind Farm project to date. Recently, we have signed the Contract for Cumberhead West Wind Farm and look forward to working with Scottish Power Renewables delivering the BOP Works for twenty N133 Turbines plus the associated Civil and Electrical Infrastructure.

These 20 new wind turbines which will produce 96 MW! This is our biggest wind turbine project so far and this will help us on our journey towards Net Zero by 2030! How?🤔

Wind turbines do not release emissions that can pollute the air or water and they do not require water for cooling. Wind turbines may also reduce electricity generation from fossil fuels, which results in lower total air pollution and carbon dioxide emissions.🌎

Did you know? A E Yates have already helped build 81 wind turbines across the UK so far; the turbines already built could power 134,000 homes a year (Roughly the size of Bolton)! With the 20 new turbines at Cumberhead West Wind farm and with the 81 turbines already built, we could theoretically power the whole of Cumbria! 🏠

It was estimated that during each year of the operational phase, the Proposed Development would spend around £3.3 million on operations and maintenance. This could generate up to:

  • £0.7 million and 10 jobs in South Lanarkshire; and
  • £1.2 million GVA and 18 jobs in Scotland.

This is a massive achievement for A E Yates as it is our mission to reduce our carbon footprint and positively impact the environment. Credit to our Power & Waste team: Adrian Booth, Tom Gill, Dale Dixon, David Booth, Chris Coleman, Sean Bargh and Brad Farrell. 👏