Grant Making Policy
Whilst our trust deed enables us to make grants to a very wide range of charitable activities, the trustees’ current policy is to support a number of core charities, Derian House Children’s Hospice and Bolton Lads and Girls Club. This absorbs the greater part of our annual funding budget, but a small surplus is available for which charities, organisations or individuals may apply.
What we support:
Applications from charities, organisations and individuals in England and Wales if they fall within the objects of our charity, which are,
For the public benefit:
- To relieve suffering of animals
- Advancement of environmental protection or improvement
- Advancement of youth and amateur sport
- Promotion and the education and training in our sector of people in the northwest
- Relief of unemployment of school and college leavers
- Prevention or relief of poverty
- Relief of financial hardship, sickness, and poor health amongst the elderly
- Promotion of equality and diversity
- Relief of sickness and preservation of health
We do not normally fund,
- Overseas applications
- Promotion of any religious or political beliefs
Our standard terms and conditions
Grants from the Trust are restricted funds. They may only be used towards the project and costs outlined in the application submitted to the Trust, or as subsequently agreed in writing.
A charity or organisation will acknowledge in writing using its headed paper receipt of the grant and confirm that the grant will only be spent for the approved purpose.
Any surplus funds not required for the approved purpose are to be refunded to the Trust unless otherwise agreed with our Trustees.
In accepting a grant from the Trust a charity, organisation or individual agrees to the Trust using their name and the project on it’s website and in other materials setting out the activities of the Trust.
In accepting a grant from the Trust a charity, organisation or individual will agree to actively promote the Trust in its own social media and promotional material.