Combined Soil Stabilisation Ltd have completed the first visit of two on a new facility…
Read MoreFour from four on this major logistics development
We recently completed our fourth project at the Midlands Logistic Park in Corby. The four building first phase of the development, the largest in the region, is now complete. The park is strategically placed close to the A14 to provide access to the east coast ports and the midlands/south east.
All four projects have been undertaken with Principal Contractor Volker Fitzpatrick. We have built an excellent relationship over the two and half years since the start of the first project. This is an example of the teamwork and collaboration that we seek to develop with the contractors that we work with.
The four projects total around 400,000sq.m which is an area equivalent to 78 football fields. The first project was 78,400sq.m with 52,300sq.m of externals, the second 97,800sq.m with 65,200sq.m of externals, the third 48,800sq.m with 32,500sq.m of externals and the fourth a relative baby at 23,000sq.m and 15,300sq.m of externals.
The treatment regime has been the same for all plots which were plateaued prior to our involvement. The building footprints were given a surface lime/cement treatment to achieve 15% CBR and the externals a surface lime/cement to 30% CBR to achieve non frost susceptibility. We also achieved tight trim tolerances to allow a thin 100mm topping.
The industrial sector is one of our key work streams and we have been involved in the construction of hundreds of thousands of square metres nationwide over the last ten years. We like to get involved early to bring our ideas and experience to projects and try to retain as much material on site as possible. By bringing previously unacceptable materials into specification we contribute environmental and economic benefit by not taking material off site, not importing primary aggregates and keeping significant traffic loads off the road network.
Combined Soil Stabilisation Ltd have completed the first visit of two on a new facility…
Read MoreCombined Soil Stabilisation have recently completed a project on Southampton Airport.
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